I have prepared several guided mindfulness practices and made them available here in MP3 format for streaming or for download. These meditations are part of the Mindful Awareness Practices (MAPs), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Deeper Mindfulness: Discovering Feeling Tone courses. To download any of the following meditations, first open the MP3 file by clicking on the underlined link. When the play bar appears, look for and click on the download icon on the right side of the play bar. MP3 file will then automatically download.
MBCT and MBSR Course Audios
Body Scan Meditation – 37 minutes
Body Scan Meditation – 35 minutes – starting from head
Body Scan Meditation – 23 minutes
Body Scan Meditation – 10 minutes
Meditation on breath, body, sound, thoughts, emotions and open awareness – 37 minutes
Breath, body, sound, thoughts, emotions and open awareness
Meditation on breath, body, sound, thoughts, emotions and open awareness – 30 minutes, less guidance
Breath, body, sound, thoughts, emotions and open awareness – 30 minutes
Awareness of Breathing – 10 minutes
10 minute awareness of breathing
Awareness of Breathing – 14 minutes
14 minute awareness of breathing
Mindfulness of breath, body and challenging physical sensations – 20 minutes
20 minute mindfulness of breath, body and challenging sensations
Lying Down Movements – 36 minutes
Lying Down Movements -36 minutes
Standing Movements – 31 minutes
Eating Meditation – 5 minutes
Chimes at 5,10,15……..40 minutes
Chimes are rung at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 minutes, with periods of silence in between.
3 Minute Breathing Space
This brief meditation can be used when we encounter a difficulty, emotions and thoughts, or when we need to pause in the middle of our day. It can be done anywhere, standing, sitting or lying down, with eyes open or closed. It consists of 3 parts, after coming out of our automatic ways of carrying the body: Taking an “awareness inventory” of what thoughts, emotions and body sensations are around; focusing attention on the sensations of breathing, and expanding awareness to include sensations in the entire body, including any sensations of bracing and the breath sensations.
Responsive Breathing Space (3 Minute Responsive Breathing Space)
This meditation, which is similar in structure to the 3 Minute Breathing Space above, is specifically for when a difficulty arises. It can also be used to practice being with a difficulty, by intentionally bringing up a difficulty, worry, concern, or challenging thought or emotion. If intentionally bringing up a difficulty to be with, it is recommended NOT to bring up the most difficult situation in your life…..bringing up a 10kg weight and not a 100kg weight. Or, on a scale of difficulty that goes from 0 to 100, where 100 is the most challenging situation, bringing up something that is a 20 or 30 on this scale. And remember, if the situation becomes overwhelming during the practice, you can always stop the practice.
MAPs Course Audios
For free guided meditations for the UCLA Mindful Awareness Practices (MAPs) Course, please click on the following link:
Awareness of breathing – 6 minutes
Awareness of breathing – 14 minutes
Awareness of breathing – 14 minutes
Awareness of sound, body and breathing meditation – 13 minutes
Awareness of sound, body and breathing
Body Scan Meditation – 23 minutes
Flexible awareness with primary focus on breath meditation – 18 minutes
Flexible awareness focus on breath
Meditating with difficulty meditation – 9 minutes
Deeper Mindfulness Course Meditations
Finding your ground – 20 minutes
Finding your ground – 20 minutes
Finding your ground – 10 minutes
Finding your ground – 10 minutes
Taking a pause meditation – 20 minutes
Feeling tone in body and mind – 24 minutes
Feeling tone in body and mind – 24 minutes
Mindful stretching
Mindful stretching – 20 minutes
Mindful walking
Ten-finger gratitude practice
Feeling tone moment by moment – 20 minutes
Feeling tone moment by moment – 20 minutes